It's amazing how hard it is to write until you actually sit down and get it done.
(having some issues today)
Hello, and welcome to OTPs and I Hate Fandoms Someone Help me Please with Kelsey. xD
Today's topic: Percy Jackson
I recently reread The Last Olympian a couple nights ago in order to avoid writing an essay, (the procrastinating part went WONDERFULLY, as usual) and wrote down some reactions during my reading, which I found, was a horrible idea for a 2am project. These usually result in my falling asleep covered in books, pencils, a crumpled piece of notebook paper, and a pile of whatever snack I happened to grab. Waking up to that is no picnic, but anywaayy...
I decided to post whatever thoughts were going through my head that night. xD
Here we go.
-So Perc and Redhead Rachel are currently on this 'driving-mai-stepdads-prius-down-the-beach-yaaaas' sort of date and Percy drives up this ridge overlooking the ocean and it's all gorg and Perc is noticing Redhead and Redhead's all like 'u R coming with me on that one trip w/ me, riiigggghhht?' and Percy's all like 'i dunno man im on call with these godly battle things' and shes like 'K.' and they look over the sea for a bit and everythings fine. Suddenly, redhead's all 'So u gon kiss me or what stupid?" and Percy's as red as Apollo's sacred cattle or whatever and that's when a pegasus lands on his hood with this buff dude named Charles Beckendorf (Beckendork) from camp riding on its back who says 'yo, u gotta go dude, we got some godly battle stuff to cover' which kinda ticks Redhead off, because she wanted a nice romantic evening with her "boyfriend" but that ain't gonna happen sista so Percy climbs up and tell Beckendork 'k, but u tell Annabeth bout this, i will cut u" and they soar off into the sunset.
Percy: "Don't wait for us."
Blackjack: But boss...
Percy: "Trust me, we'll get out by ourselves."
Haha, no you won't you gon die out there.
-Beckendork's got a piccie of his girlfriend and looks at it before battle and all you do is whip out a sword all like "I'M SO FANCCYYYYY..." what about annabeth you idiot.
-"Demonic crustacean" I need to use that one sometime.
-Run you idiot, you're gonna die
-See look, there's Luke, jk, it's actually Kronos but you don't know that until his eyes turn the color of a gold eagle on the top of an american flagpole set up uninvited at a foreign country's dinner party.
-KRONO'S SWUNG HIS SCYTHE AGAIN. I INTERCEPTED WITH RIPTIDE, BUT HIS STRIKE WAS SO POWERFUL, MY BLADE COULD ONLY DEFLECT IT. I understand ur supposed to be fighting the god of time or whatever, but ur real pitiful man thats what you get for charging him in the first place. xD
-Ethan Nakaruma. Sounds like some Harry Potter spell
-*Jamaican woman voice* NAKA-RUUUUMAAA
-Okay im done i swear
-Took a break to get a snack
-"He held out his hand and dangled a little silver bracelet with a scythe charm-the Titan lord's symbol." So you're telling me he's got a little girl's charm bracelet for his mascot
-K, Beckendork's death was not okay bc A.) his girlfriends reaction. That was terrbile and B.) I had this huge crush on him darn you Rick Riordan
Alrighty then I guess I'll finish this if I can come up with anything else while reading later that doesn't scar me...xD
Other than that, I guess I'll show you the paintings I've been working on and that is all. xD
Here are this week's LL masterpieces. xD
the first one was originally supposed to be Sherlock, but I guess we can't all get what we want in life. xD