
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Manufactured Personalities

**long rant-y post ahead**

Chris Kendall, or better known on the internet as Crabstickz, uploaded this video a while ago after months of being absent. It didn’t seem like much, just 45 seconds of him holding up a card reading “are you using a manufactured personality to be heard on the internet?” but really to me it meant a lot.

A lot of other youtubers replied to his short little video, saying that, yes, they often do have to feel like a whole different person to be heard on the internet, to keep all of their subscribers and keep their job as a youtuber going. There was such a broad range of responses to this question, every video an admission that they weren’t completely honest about who they were on the internet 100% of the time.

It was one of the videos I watched, I think by Doddleoddle it was who said she was struggling with the fact that she always had to hold up this upbeat, way too happy personality every time she made a video. Because that’s what people like, right? They like happy, bouncy people who are always excited about everything and talk in high tones that people in real life only use to talk to their dogs.

Of course, I don’t have a Youtube channel, but I do have a blog. And I’ve struggled with the same thing. Honestly, if I was able to post at least once every week, I totally would, but the thing is, in every post I tend to give off this “happy” vibe with all caps and too many exclamation points to count. I’m not saying that’s not who I am, it’s just I’m only able to make posts when I’m in that All-Caps-And-Exclamation-Points mood, and it gets to be a struggle. When I first started posting, I did post every day, or every other day. And it was horrible. Even when I felt like screaming into my pillow or crying in a corner for a month, I always felt pressured to be happy for my followers. Because every time I said I was upset or gave off this vibe that I was mad about something, people would back off, whether it was online or in real life. Because that’s not the Kelsey people are used to. Whenever I needed to talk to people, I basically trained myself to have one setting, ‘Peppy Cheerleader at a Football Game’, and nothing else to make sure that no one would run off. People wanted happy. And holding myself up to those standards were freaking. exhausting.  

Over time I had to question this. Was this really healthy? Was this really what I wanted? If people didn’t stand by my side even when I’m not in that stupid ‘happy-go-lucky’ mood, did they really care? And over time, I did end up taking more breaks and showing more emotions. Because here’s the truth; I’m not always happy. I’m not always that 'all caps' girl. In fact, in real life, it’s like once a month I actually act the way I do on here. I cry a lot. My family is constantly nagging me, asking me why I never smile anymore. I think about when I was little and how often I would laugh and feel even worse because I don’t remember the last time I genuinely laughed out loud. I am happy sometimes, don’t get me wrong, because if I wasn’t, I would never post on here.

If you feel pressured in the same way to be constantly happy for other people, just remember, you are not a robot. People break down sometimes. People are upset sometimes. People feel like crap sometimes. It’s normal. You shouldn’t have to hold yourself to these standards to be one of those people who are constantly smiling and laughing. You can challenge yourself to be happier, but you can’t just completely get rid of all of your other emotions. If people tell you that you tend to give off this vibe that you’re always upset, that’s their problem. Because this is who you are. And you are human. You shouldn’t have to turn yourself into a robot just so you can be heard on the internet.

But this is just how I relate to his question. There were so many amazing answers to Crabstickz, and I’m so happy he made that video, because it is important. If you have a response too, maybe make a post with your own thoughts? Even if you don’t, this is something for everyone to think about.

“Are you using a manufactured personality to be heard on the internet?”

~     ~     ~

Sorry about the little rant that didn't really even make any sense in the long run, but I really needed to let this out. Thank you so much for reading. <3
If you read the whole thing, you get a cookie


  1. Oh my goodness, this is so, so true. I have the same problem - except that I don't know how bad it actually is. I'm naturally a happy person.. It takes a lot for me to get upset, and I get over things quickly. But. Like you mentioned, everyone feels like crap sometimes, and everyone has bad days. I've always had this thing where I feel very.. uncomfortable, awkward, embarrassed, acting in a way that the people around me aren't used to seeing. Everyone's used to me being happy all the time now, and it's hard to show any other emotions. I don't have the same problem with strangers though.

    I'm slowly growing out of it, though, and I think most everyone does eventually. It's too tiring to keep up, and it can even make you feel guilty - like you're not being true to who you actually are.

    Awesome post, Kelsey. ^^ Thanks for sharing.

    1. In one way, I'm glad I'm not alone, on the other hand, I feel bad so many people agree with me on this. No one should have to feel trapped in their own emotions, in a sense. I get the whole uncomfortable, awkward, embarrassed thing you're talking about, and it IS hard to keep yourself in this perfect, happy setting all the time after being in that mindset around people for so long, I guess. That's good you're a naturally happy person, though, I'm still training myself to be the same way, but so far it's going well. xD

      And like you said, I *am* growing out of it too, thankfully, and I do hope everyone else gets to do the same. It's such a relief to be able to let go and just be entirely yourself, emotions and all. ^-^

      Thank you so much!! ^___^ and of course, thanks for reading!!

  2. Yup. I am a robot. And Maddie is feeling like a trapped little robot, and I feel like a sad little robot who won't talk until it's not sad. It is very hard to be a happy little robot, and also very hard and scary to not be a robot.
    [holy cheese I just realized your background moves. Epic.]
    If you know how not to be a robot,I want to hear about it. We need to escape our tin cans.

    1. We're all just a bunch of little robots trapped in our little cans of emotions aren't we? that was a beautiful way to put it, btw. ^_^
      haha THANK YOU Adi actually found that background for me, and I adore it. xD
      Of course I'll at least try my best to find a way. We really do.

    Tbh, I'm a pretty negative person. I have zero tolerance for people I find even remotely irritating, and I have a pretty pessimistic outlook on life, society, and our world in general. Everyone's always like either 1) "What no Ellie you're always so happy" to which the response is "No, I'm actually pretty negative but I pretend to be happy around you so I don't get an earful of 2) "Ellie, you really need to start being positive or you'll fail at life." Probably one of the things I hate most about people is when they try to force positivity on other people. Like, hello, not all of us are Peppy Petunias, and maybe not all of us want to be.
    I totally relate to the people wanting bouncy happiness thing. I always start my posts with a "Hey guys! :)" or something similar, but in reality, although I really enjoy blogging and am almost always excited to post, I'm not that bouncy and peppy. I guess I do it to try to come off as genuinely nice (which I try to be to people I don't hate (aka most of the people in our little blogosphere)), although it ends up crossing the line from "imparting good feelings" territory into "not being self" territory.
    I definitely needed this today. Thank you so much for this :) and if you ever want to be negative and moody and irritable on here, don't hesitate at all. <3

    - Ellie

      I feel ya man. Ever since I was little I was just naturally a negative person with more realistic expectations I guess?? (I was never disappointed as a child, that was a perk at least) And I was constantly asked why I was always so negative and that no one would want to be friends with me because of it blah blah blah. The past year or so I've been trying really hard to turn that around, because I still get the same comments you mentioned "you're gonna fail at life/you're not going to have any friends/how do you expect to live a happy life when you're the Debby Downer of the group/etc" but it gets to be a struggle sometimes.
      And no one should have to be a Peppy Petunia all the time, I mean we're human, we have feelings, just chill. xD
      Same, and I feel like a lot of bloggers have been feeling that way lately, but it just doesn't work. I can't just fake a peppy "Hello! ^_^" and all of a sudden feel better about life, even if I do enjoy blogging, it's hard to pull myself out of that mood because, like you said, it's harder to be completely myself while also trying to be genuinely happy.
      Well I'm glad I was able to post this, and of course! ^_^ Haha, why thank you, and same to you. Don't worry about needing to be constantly happy all the time if you don't feel like it, we still love you and your posts. <3

  4. thank you. thank you so very much for writing this.

    it is an exact representation of how i feel and what i do, and i did actually smile reading this. don't be afraid of being sad or angry or whatever the hell you want on here, because you'll always have me right there with ya.

    not sure what else to say that i haven't already...but yeah.
    golly gosh, what a great day for a post.


    1. not a problem. ^__^

      aww, why thank you, I'm so glad I was able to make you smile. :] thanks so much, and same to you. I hate to see you feeling bad and feeling like you're being boxed up, because your blog shouldn't *only* be for your audience as much as it should be a creative outlet for yourself. especially as a hobby and as something that takes a lot of time and effort, it should make you happy. (which is something I'm still learning. :P)

      (i feel your pain, the commenting struggle)

  5. Sometimes I don't even know what to say to you anymore, except just tell you that I am so bloody proud of you. I've certainly got a manufactured personality when posting, but I've slowly been dropping that act and kicking it to the curb. You and I both know I'm no happy flower child. I'm excitable, yes, but it's not all the time.

    I hope you know how much I love these posts when you do them, and how lucky I know I am to be your best friend. You helped me with the whole,"finding myself," time, whether you believe it or not. :}
    xo Adi

    1. I don't really know what to say either except for thank you so much. :]
      I'm so glad you got to let that go and just let yourself go on your posts though, you put so much into your posts, and you shouldn't have to force yourself into that mindset to post.
      It's such a relief to know I'm not the only one though.

      Thank you so much though, I'm so worried every time I post these kinda things because it's not really what I'm known for, but hey, it's all part of breaking out of my dumb shell I guess, and at least people are able to relate.
      Well gosh, I really don't know what to say to that. You've definitely helped me in the same way though, and it means a lot. <3

  6. Thank you for writing this Kelsey. I understand everything you said in this post. The feeling you just described, in a way, is the reason I left my old blog. I tried too hard to be that person that everyone would love. After a while, I realized that so I left. I figured the only way to put that behind me was to just start over completely.

    Anyway, I hope you never feel pressured to be something you're not. I know that not everyone is constantly happy. Most of the time, that's me too. It's not a crime to feel sad, or angry, or confused. I just wish people would understand that.

    1. It was my pleasure. ^__^
      Thats good you were able to start over though, your blog is fantastic, both your old and new, and seeing all the things you love is so cool to read about. Congrats on letting yourself do that btw. ^-^

      Thanks so much, I'm definitely working on it. And same. At least we're all able to agree on something here and all understand. All we need to do now is spread it, I guess

  7. When I started blogging, every single post was "wow I suck bye". But then I got ticked that I wasn't getting followers. Thing is, I'm really bad at finding balances. So I just write posts when I'm in a great, good, or so-so mood so that I don't scare people off--but that's just me because I can't balance things. If I could, I definitely would post on both good and bad days.


    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. Ugh, that stinks. Well for one, if it helps at all, all of your posts are fabulous to me. xD But finding a balance and posting on either days, good or bad, is a neat idea and something I'd like to try. It is hard to post like that and not scare people off, but it's also not the greatest trying to be constantly happy so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  8. I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel the pressure, too. But I've gotten better at writing what I want and in my own voice. Thanks for this post, it really made me think today. :)

    1. well hey high five for finding the balance for yourself!! All of your posts are really amazing though and are really inspiring to me. Aw, of course, thanks so much for reading. :]


Be kind is all I ask of you